
Revolutionizing Finance: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Financial Decision Making

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The Impact of on Financial Decision-Making


In the current era marked by rapid technological advancements, has firmly entrenched its position as a pivotal force within financial decision-making. This paper explores howis transforming traditional processes in finance and sheds light on the future trajectory of this convergence between technology and economics.

embodies s' capacity to learn and execute tasks that typically necessitate intelligence. This concept can be categorized into two types: narrow which excels at specific functions such as image recognition or language translation; and general ming for a cognitive level akin to s, essentially creating an artificial intellect capable of complex decision-making.

This paper discuss the significance ofin finance across various dimensions including investments and risk management. As technology advances, understanding its role and implications on financial decision-making is crucial.

Keywords: Finance, Investment Decision-Making, Risk Management

Suggested Citation:

James, M. 2023. The Role of in Financial Decision Making. SSRN Journal. https:doi.org10.2139ssrn.**

The paper delves into the evolving landscape whereis reshaping the financial decision-making process by providing predictive analytics, automating routine tasks, and enhancing risk assessment capabilities. With a focus on both advantages and potential risks associated withimplementation in finance, this exposition seeks to illuminate how technology will redefine financial strategies moving forward.


This manuscript draws insights from several sources, acknowledging their contributions to enriching our understanding of 's pivotal role within the financial sector:

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Artificial Intelligence in Financial Decisions Transforming Finance with AI Technology AIs Impact on Investment Strategies Risk Management Enhanced by AI Navigating Finance with Predictive Analytics Automation of Financial Routine Tasks